JurisAsia LLC distinguished in the 2024 Asian Legal business IP rankings

JurisAsia LLC, the Singapore-based law firm exclusively associated with Gowling WLG, has been recognised in the 2024 Asian Legal Business IP rankings as one of the region’s leading law firms.

The annual rankings categorise the top firms for intellectual property (IP) in Asia. JurisAsia LLC achieved a Tier 2 ranking for both Patents and Copyright/Trademarks for Singapore. The results highlight the strength of the firm’s expertise and reputation for specialist IP, life sciences and technology-focused work in the growing Singapore market.

Asia is increasingly becoming a major innovation hub, and, alongside this trend, there is a marked growth in the filing of patents and trademarks. Already, Singapore is the biggest source of international patent filings in Southeast Asia.

Managing partner, Tan Choon Leng, said: “We are delighted to once again be recognised for our expertise in Patents and Copyright/Trademarks, especially in life sciences and technology. Recognition of IP rights as a core competitive advantage for any strong business is constantly growing, especially in Southeast Asia, and our lawyers work tirelessly to ensure they remain at the forefront of any developments and deliver positive results for our clients. Congratulations to everyone at the firm for playing a role and contributing to secure these rankings.”  

JurisAsia provides high-quality, innovative, and commercial advice to clients across Southeast Asia. Its internationally ranked lawyers are leading experts in their field and help clients from a wide range of business sectors to secure, exploit and extract value from their IP.